Condiciones de la reserva

Aviso legal

1. Identification data

In compliance with the duty of information contained in Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, we hereby inform you that the website / (hereinafter the «Website») is operated by ELLEMME PROPERTY, S.L., holder of Tax Identification Code B76629153, with address at Avenida de Las Américas 8, Res. Compostela Beach, local 340 A-B, Post Code 38660 Playa de Las Américas (Santa Cruz de Tenerife). Telephone 922 791743. E-mail: is the owner of the Web domain and cannot assume any responsibility derived from the incorrect, inappropriate or illicit use of the information appearing on the Internet page of (hereinafter RE/MAX Golden Mile).

2. User Acceptance

This Legal Notice regulates the access and use of the Web that THE HOLDER OF THE WEBSITE makes available to Internet Users. USER is understood as the person who accesses, surfs, uses or participates in the services and activities of the Web. Access and browsing of the Website by a User implies unreserved acceptance of this Legal Notice. THE HOLDER OF THE WEBSITE may offer services through the website that may be subject to their own particular conditions about which the User will be informed in each specific case.

3. User acceptance

The User assumes responsibility for the use of the Website, undertakes to use the contents and services in accordance with the Law, this Legal Notice, good customs and public order. This responsibility extends to any registration that may be necessary to access certain services or content. The User guarantees the authenticity and veracity of all data provided both when filling in the registration forms and at any other subsequent time, and is responsible for updating the information provided so that it reflects their real situation. The USER will be responsible for the inaccuracy or lack of veracity of the information provided. In said registration, the USER shall be responsible for providing truthful and lawful information. The USER undertakes to make appropriate use of the content and services that THE HOLDER OF THE WEBSITE offers through this website and by way of example, but not limited to, not to use them for:

Engage in activities that are illicit, illegal or contrary to good faith and public order.

Disseminate content that is criminal, violent, pornographic, racist, xenophobic, offensive, in support of terrorism or, in general, contrary to the law or public order.

Causing damage to the physical and logical systems of THE HOLDER OF THE WEBSITE, its collaborators or third parties, introducing or spreading computer viruses, macros, applets, ActiveX controls, or any other physical or logical systems that may cause the aforementioned damage.

Obstruct the access of other Users to the access service by means of the massive consumption of the computer resources through which THE HOLDER OF THE WEBSITE provides the service. 

Attempting to access and, where appropriate, use the entity’s e-mail accounts and modifying or manipulating its messages. THE HOLDER OF THE WEBSITE reserves the right to remove any comments and contributions that violate the respect for the dignity of the person, which are discriminatory, xenophobic, racist, pornographic, that violate the youth or childhood, order or public safety or that, in his opinion, are not suitable for publication. In any case, THE HOLDER OF THE WEBSITE shall not be responsible for the opinions expressed by Users through forums, chats, social networks or other participation tools.

4. Intellectual and industrial property. All rights reserved

THE HOLDER OF THE WEBSITE itself or as an assignee, is the owner of all intellectual and industrial property rights of its website, or of its licensors or collaborators, as well as of the elements contained therein, including but not limited to: structure, design, source code, texts, photographs, graphics, images, sound, audio, video, icons, technology, software, source codes, graphic design, as well as logos, trademarks and other distinctive signs. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Pursuant to the provisions of articles 8 and 32.1, second paragraph, of the Intellectual Property Law, the reproduction, distribution and public communication, including its mode of making available, of all or part of the contents of this website, for commercial purposes, in any medium and by any technical means, without the authorisation of THE HOLDER OF THE WEBSITE is expressly prohibited without the prior and express authorisation and does not give the User any rights over them. Users and, in general, those persons who intend to establish a hyperlink must have prior express authorisation from THE WEBSITE OWNER. The User undertakes to respect the Intellectual and Industrial Property rights owned by the Website. You may view the elements of the portal and even print, copy and store them on the hard drive of your computer or any other physical medium as long as it is solely and exclusively for your personal and private use. The User must refrain from deleting, altering, evading or manipulating any protection device or security system installed on the Website.

5.Exclusion of guarantees and liability

THE HOLDER OF THE WEBSITE makes every effort to avoid any error in the contents of the Web, but does not guarantee its non-existence in access to it, in its content, nor that it is updated. Both access to the Web, and the use that may be made of the information contained therein is the sole responsibility of the user. THE HOLDER OF THE WEBSITE is not responsible, under any circumstances, for damages of any kind that may be caused to the User’s computer system (hardware and software), lack of availability of the portal or the transmission of viruses or malicious or harmful programs in the content, or the information and content stored in forums, chats, blogs, comments, social networks or any other means that allows third parties to publish content independently on the Web However, and in compliance with the provisions of the LSSI, THE HOLDER OF THE WEBSITE is available to all users, authorities and security forces, to collaborate actively in the removal or blocking of all content that could affect or contravene national or international law, the rights of third parties or morality and public order. In the event that the User considers that there is any content on the Web that could be susceptible to this classification, please contact us.

6. Minors

We do not knowingly collect or solicit personal information from anyone under the age of 18. In order to use the Services, minors must obtain prior permission from their parents, guardians or legal representatives, who will be held responsible for all acts performed by minors in their care. Full responsibility for determining the specific content and Services accessed by minors lies with the adults in whose charge they are. As the Internet makes it possible to access content that may not be appropriate for minors, Users are informed that there are mechanisms, in particular computer filtering and blocking programmes, which make it possible to limit the content available and, although they are not infallible, they are particularly useful for controlling and restricting the material that minors may access.

7. Protection of personal data

In order to access our services it may be necessary for the user to provide us with information. The WEBSITE OWNER will process this data in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data in conjunction with Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights (LOPDGDD), and in accordance with the conditions published in its Privacy Policy, subject to the provisions of the specific conditions of the different products, services and prices that may be offered.

8. Third party links

In the event that the Web links or hyperlinks to other Internet sites, as in the case of social networks, THE HOLDER OF THE WEBSITE will not exercise any control over these sites and content, will not assume responsibility in any case for the contents of any link belonging to other websites, nor guarantee the technical availability, quality, reliability, accuracy, comprehensiveness, accuracy, accuracy, validity and constitutionality of any material or information contained in any such hyperlinks or other Internet sites. Likewise, the inclusion of these external connections shall not imply any type of association, merger or participation with the connected entities.

9. Procedure in the event of unlawful activity

In the event that THE HOLDER OF THE WEBSITE becomes aware of the use of the services provided by the Web for activities that may eventually infringe the rights of third parties or constitute unlawful acts, may take all necessary measures to prevent the continuation of these activities, and reserves the right to initiate appropriate legal action. If any User becomes aware that any kind of information published on the Website or provided through the same is unlawful, harmful to the rights of third parties, contrary to the provisions of this Legal Notice or, in any other way, harmful or contrary to morals, uses and customs, you can contact us and we will respond as soon as possible.

10. Publications

The administrative information provided on the website does not replace the legal publication of laws, regulations, plans, general provisions and acts that must be formally published in the official journals of the public administrations, which are the only instrument that attests to their authenticity and content. The information available on this website should be understood as a guide with no purpose of legal validity.   

11. Right of exclusion

The HOLDER OF THE WEBSITE reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to the portal and / or services offered without prior notice, at its own request or at the request of a third party, to those Users who violate this Legal Notice.

12. Modification of these conditions and duration

THE HOLDER OF THE WEBSITE reserves the right to update this Legal Notice in a timely manner, so you may wish to check it each time you visit the Web. The validity of these conditions will depend on their exposure and will be in force until they are modified by others duly published.

13. Applicable law and jurisdiction

The entity’s web page is governed by Spanish Law, and therefore for the resolution of any controversy that may arise with users, with respect to the conditions of use and any other claim related to the contents and services of the web page, it will be resolved by the Judges and Courts of Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Canary Islands), and will be interpreted in accordance with Spanish Law, with the parties expressly renouncing their own jurisdiction or any other that may correspond to them.

14. International transfers

We inform you that your data will not be communicated to entities outside the European Economic Area without your express consent, except in those cases in which an imperative regulation permits such communication, in which case we will inform you whenever possible of the purposes of such communication.

Nuestra empresa funciona en base a reservas.

Reserva: La estancia mínima en nuestros apartamentos debe ser de 6 noches

Reembolso: Al cancelar una reserva, requerimos que todos los clientes nos informen 30 días antes del día de llegada. En caso contrario, les cobraremos el importe total de la reserva. La cancelación debe hacerse escribiendo un correo electrónico a:



Se pedirá una fianza de 200 euros por los eventuales daños que pueda causar en el apartamento.

En el momento de la salida, se llevará a cabo una inspección exhaustiva del apartamento. Si todo está en el mismo estado que a la entrada, se devolverá el importe total a la tarjeta de crédito utilizada en el momento de la reserva dentro de las 24 horas siguientes a la salida.

En caso contrario, se retendrá el importe total o parcial por los daños ocasionados.


Se pedirá un depósito de 350 euros por los eventuales daños que pueda causar en la villa.

En el momento de la salida, se llevará a cabo una inspección exhaustiva de la villa. Si todo está en las mismas condiciones que en el momento de la entrada, se devolverá el importe total a la tarjeta de crédito utilizada en el momento de la reserva en las 24 horas siguientes a la salida.

En caso contrario, se retendrá el importe total o parcial por los daños ocasionados.